17 on 20May2010
The world is brilliant.
i love family. friends. music. nice photographs. good food.
Images: [deviantart]
Music: [x]
Other Credits[x] [x]
hey! this thingy is like, uh cute! YAY! finally i can get out of the house tomorrow. 5days stuck at home. not bad ahr. HOHOHO! complete maths practice paper ;) ooyayooyay. printed dnt portfolio thingy. must finish during hols! i bet when school starts i wont even think of touching it anymore., O..and i havent drawn anything yet. tsk, whats the point of drawing so many when you are only going to use one right.
one of my wishes to fufil during the hols -bashing up this comp! rawr so stuck to it everyday,. feels like i dont have a life! ok nevermind i still love this thing that keeps me company, alot! hey, imagine one whole year without computer, ! cool man, i'd rather become a nun (:
suddenly feel like watching secret from tudou again. its a nice show. heheh trust me! but, the thingy so blur. makes your eyes hurt when you watch it from the website.